Date: 01/12/2025
Time: 11:00am to 2:00pm
Address: 21121 Wolf Branch Rd. Mt Dora, FL 32757
🐾 Limit to 5 dogs
🐾 Learn line handling, target sniffing, and more about the sport
🐾 All dogs welcome
🐾 No prior training is necessary. Untrained and dogs with issues <a href="http://welcome.
🐾” target=”_blank” title=”welcome.
🐾 You and your dog will run several mock trails together
🐾 create a bond with your dog while learning a fun <a href="http://skill.
🐾” target=”_blank” title=”skill.
🐾 After learning we have progression classes and longer trails for upcoming <a href="http://dates.
Register” target=”_blank” title=”dates.
Register here: <a href="
Intro” target=”_blank” title=”
Intro Price is $150 per dog/ owner <a href="http://team.
” target=”_blank” title=”team.