Hurricane Lake County

How to Prepare for a Hurricane in Lake County, Florida

How to Prepare for a Hurricane in Lake County, Florida

When it comes to natural disasters, preparation is key. As a Lake County native, I’ve lived through a lifetime of hurricane seasons. With Florida being a top destination for retirees across the country, we realize this might be the first big storm for many of our new Florida residents. We’re here to help you prepare!  In Lake County, Florida, residents are no strangers to hurricanes, which can bring severe winds, torrential rain, and significant flooding. While it’s impossible to prevent a hurricane, taking some proactive steps can significantly reduce risks to you, your family, and your property. Here are some tips to help you prepare for hurricane season.

Stay Informed

Your first line of defense against a hurricane is information. Bookmark reliable sources like the National Weather Service (Lake County Alerts) and Lake County Emergency Management. Download weather apps to get real-time updates and set alerts to notify you of impending storms.

Create an Emergency Kit

How much water is enough?

As you watch your neighbor unload multiple cases of water, you may feel unprepared if you haven’t done the same. Stick to the “One gallon per person per day for seven days”. If you can’t find cases of water, put those yetis to use! Fill up your reusable cups and jugs with water before the storm comes.

Don’t wait until the last minute to assemble your emergency kit. Essentials should include:

  • Bottled water
  • Non-perishable food
  • Medications and first-aid supplies
  • Flashlights and batteries
  • Important documents in a waterproof container

Now would be a good time to charge laptops and portable chargers. These come in handy in the case of a power outage!

Grab some cash to have on hand. Credit card machines and ATMs will be down if the power is out.

Get gas when you see it available, but don’t waste gas searching for gas.

Take advantage of the family time while you wait out the storm. Check out this website for some fun ideas to keep you busy.


Secure Your Home

If your home is prone to flooding, you will want to consider getting sandbags to avoid water intrusion. Installing hurricane shutters or using plywood to board up windows is unusual in Lake County. We are fortunate that storm winds tend to weaken by the time they reach Lake County. You might choose to secure outdoor furniture and other objects that could become flying debris depending on the strength of the storm. Check your roof and drainage to ensure they are in good condition.

Where can I find sandbags in Lake County, FL?

At this time (8/28/23), sandbags will be available at the following locations. Sand and bags will be available – residents should bring their own shovels and will need to fill their own bags. Check the Lake County Florida Emergency Management Facebook Page for regular updates.


Do you need to evacuate?

Depending on the safety and security of your home, you might consider evacuating to a local shelter. You will want to check the Lake County Florida Emergency Management Facebook Page for regular updates and a list of shelters that will be open. Keep in mind that you will want to check for any of the following that may apply.

  • Open to the public
  • Open to the public + pets
  • Open to the public, pets, + special needs.



Establish a Communication Plan

Ensure every family member knows how to reach each other and where to meet up in case of evacuation. Consider having a designated out-of-state contact everyone can check in with.

Prepare for Your Pets

Your pets’ needs are as important as yours:

  • Stock up on pet food and medications.
  • Identify pet-friendly shelters or hotels.

Financial Preparedness

ATMs and credit card systems may not be operational. Keep enough cash on hand to last for several days. Also, review your property insurance to ensure it covers hurricane-related damages.

Document Your Property

Take photos or videos of your property for insurance purposes. Document valuable items and the condition of your home.

Listen to Authorities

Always keep a battery-powered or hand-crank radio handy. Follow all directives and orders from emergency services and evacuate if told to do so.

Preparing for a hurricane involves more than just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. By taking these steps, you can mitigate risks and better protect yourself and your property. Stay safe, Lake County!

We wish you all safety in the coming week and look forward to getting back to normal once Idalia passes.

Know Your Local Shelters

Lake County opens various shelters during hurricane emergencies. These may include schools and community centers. Make sure you’re aware of their locations and what they provide, including their pet policies.

Depending on the safety and security of your home, you might consider evacuating to a local shelter. You will want to check the Lake County Florida Emergency Management Facebook Page for regular updates and a list of shelters that will be open. Keep in mind that you will want to check for any of the following that may apply.

  • Open to the public
  • Open to the public + pets
  • Open to the public, pets, + special needs.
Local Shelters

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